Blackvoxel offer it's own form of super creative mode. Making your own textures and use it in blackvoxel is easy as to say it !
(1) Download the texture graphic template files.
(2) Modify it with Gimp (or other image editing program).
(3) Find your blackvoxel user texture directory.
(4) Export it in bmp A8R8G8B8 format.
(5) Run blackvoxel and use the UserTexture tool to convert regular blocs into you own materials.
(6) Use your own materials as you wish.
(7) Go further and create transparent materials.
All these operations are detailled below.
Two version of the file are availlables :
Custom user textures are stored in this directory.
The directory location may vary because user data storage are operating system dependant.
Important : You must launch Blackvoxel game at last once to create the game profile directory.
Windows :
(Work in progress)
(It's in your user application data in the roaming section).
When you start a new game, you will find the User texture converter tool in your inventory. With it, you can convert regular blocks into your customised block type.
Transparent materials may be created and used in blackvoxel. You can create all types of glasses with textures and colors to create beautiful transparency blending effects.
Create materials in gimp with transparency and export them.
As all texture are exported with alpha chanel, you can export them from Gimp like regular opaque textures.
That said, there are extra step you must take with Blackvoxel for transparency to be rendered correctly : you must inform Blackvoxel to render theses textures as transparent textures with a special rendering process.
To achieve this, do these extra steps :
Do not forget your texture must have suffisant transparency level to blend correctly with other transparent textures. If you use opaque zones with transparent rendering mode, you can have unpredicted results when transparent blocks will blends.