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  1. Mission 33 : Automate runway production

    In the previous mission, we have automated sand production. Now, we'll produce the runway block in a similar way.

    Runway block need 3 materials, one more than sand. This detail will change the setup we'll use.

    First, you need to make a versatile furnace.

    Then, make the following factory base. Don't forget to use the rotation tool if you need to turn the belt conveyors.

    Blackvoxel Runway factory base

    Now, program the sequencer with the following sequence. Do not forget to set the output side to the side of the versatile furnace using the alignement voxel.

    Blackvoxel Runway Factory Sequencer

    The needed materials to run the factory are : Blue Crystals, Sand, Blackrock blue. Put each material in it's own atomic compressor to start the factory.

    A good starting base for making one runway would be 300 block lenght and 3 block width. So you'll need 900 runway blocks. Only one runway is needed to test the airplane. But for the airplane to be an useful transportation system, you'll need to build several runways on different places.




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